Toxic Thought Syndrome


No spiral but the sacred Spiral. Only Fragments

Once you’re in free-fall it’s too late.

Traffic whizzes by in miniature

below, oblivious to my predicament

as I catch myself out

on a ledge of my own making.

Beneath my feet ancient concrete crumbles,

cascading into invisibility.

Don’t look down, I warn.

But of course, I do.

Self-soothe your way out of this one, why don’t you?

I laugh, plummeting toward the asphalt.

You can probably imagine what happens next.

(Spoiler alert: none of my problems

get solved.) In fact, I catch myself

a cold, the common kind I suppose,

of my own making like the ledge.

I haven’t been sick in years,

but it’s inevitable. My body simply intervenes.


She finally snaps,

We’re taking a couple days off.

Before the symptoms set in it’s 2:00 a.m.

Dear, stubborn body secure

in a cloud of comfort –

a shroud of comforters,

my crumbling thoughts cascade into invisibility.

And I myself arrive home again

to the place where all journeys end

and begin.

In the oceanic trench of slumber

I know peace and loving arms around me.

I recognize them, these familiar spirits,

gentle voices lulling me awake.

Calm yourself, child.

It was only a bad dream.

The colorful, whimsical drawings here are a great way to help talk yourself off a metaphorical ledge:

Photo by Jake Ingle

21 responses to “Toxic Thought Syndrome”

  1. I could easily relate to this poem that brought me a couple of knowing chuckles, with:

    ‘as I catch myself out on a ledge of my own making” and the body saying, “Enough!”

    My body has gotten better at sending me these messages.

    May we continue to catch ourselves early and redirect to peace and wellness!

    Liked by 1 person

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