The Soul’s Call

Micro essay/Poetry reblog

Our soul, our inner being or truest authentic self, calls to us continuously, always guiding us along on our path toward our greatest fulfillment and purpose. Whether we hear that call is up to us. When we do, the strength of the signal can unnerve us as who we really are clashes with the shape our life has taken. The result often feels to us like anguish. We may feel trapped. We struggle and strain, tangled in the sticky filaments of dysfunctional narrative spun by a wounded society.

Recently I’ve read several excellent descriptions of this often painful awakening to the soul’s insistence, including this one by Mooncat and this one by Moongirl (the moon women feel it!). Hard to choose a favorite, but this one (below) spoke directly to my life experience.

Photo: Rick Bartow, “Creation of Crow”

9 responses to “The Soul’s Call”

  1. This brings back memories of the final years of my counseling career when the I often felt like I was drowning in “paperwork.” Thankfully, I escaped, and my soul was waiting for me. My soul still calls when I drift away, but it is not so far to go.

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  2. I always wanted to read this , something like this. This describes wonderfully well how my soul feels. I wanted to say this but I couldn’t but you have written in your very own inimitable style ..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Yassy! I’m glad it resonates! These profound struggles and discomforts are information from the deepest part of our being, doors waiting to be opened. Though the opening is often gradual and tentative, yet it is possible.

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      • You are very welcome, Camilla. You have written with utmost profundity the unease we experience.. it’s an experience to read your work.

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