Radios with Pictures


When my mom was a kid her older sister came home one day and announced to their mother with barely contained excitement, “Judy Locke says there’s a radio with pictures!” My grandmother replied sternly, “Don’t believe everything Judy Locke says.” Good advice, really.

When I was in middle school a friend looked at me dead serious and made the outrageous claim, “When we grow up, everyone will have a computer in their home.” “Bullshit.” I said, “What would anyone need that for?” Good question, really.

Today I figured out how to categorize all my older posts and make them available under those categories via my Posts page. Now you need no longer founder in the sea of chaos that ebbs and flows between my ears. If you want to follow the 2002 poetry, I suggest starting with the earliest post, “Can’t. . . Won’t,” because I’m curating these poems to tell a story. If you want to bypass all this poetry crap and just read a story, you can. Nifty, right? Like a radio with pictures.

Special thanks to Myths of the Mirror for graciously offering tech assistance.

Photo by Stas Ostrikov

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