Beyond the Nimbus


Tripping down some March hare’s hole recently, I happened upon a stunningly beautiful icon of the Essene Mary Magdalene. Not my usual territory, but nevertheless it inspired this ekphrastic offering.

Beyond the nimbus and the frame

gaze sea-deep almond eyes,

and on her brown-skinned face

compassion rests without a trace

of judgment or revenge.

Tree of Life her thorny crown,

the earthsprings at her feet,

she evenly presides

while leaf and stone and spirit-dove

surround her in relief.

In her embrace the universe

expands for mouse and snake.

The kitten and the kittiwake

her strong yet lissome hands

encircle like a henge.

All-Mother, hold us

as sleeping fox kits to Your breast,

and may we, Your sundry children,

find spaciousness in ours

for all Your myriad Names.

The icon is the intellectual property of artist Terese Nielsen. You can view it on her website. I took the photo for this post today as my neighbor and I were setting out for our morning walk.

Photo by Camilla Wells Paynter

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